Innerspace Kraken 1 Pod: I am looking for a designer to 3D model & brake down parts where need, the focus is create a high quality model kit.
Here are some 1.1 scale shots of the submersible pod.

Here are more photos of the miniature used in the film.

This model will also require a full interior cockpit walls. I am thinking of having it broken down to four individual interior panels, L & R sides, front main panel & back wall, with seat.

Here are some examples of a model kit that was made some years back. I would like to see the parts broken down in a similar fashion.

The completed model will need to be:
- Hallowed out main body.
- Solid parts where need.
- Head lights & Search lights will need to be scooped out as well, 9 total.
- Key’ed location points where parts mount to the model.
- Most fine hosing will not need to be designed.
Summary, I am looking for a designer with model making experience, someone that understand how to brake down a model into a kit form. I do have more photo reference available on request, thanks for looking at the project.