X Wing Lighting Kit Build
Getting Ready:
First start by getting yourself familiar with all the model kit parts & where they are positioned to assemble the model. Second read all the information regarding the model lighting kit & wiring diagram. There are only a few modifications that will need to be made for the lighting system.
Preparing The Engine & Wing Parts:
There are only a few areas that will need to be monfied for the lighting. The fist area is the engine pods, you will need to drill out the main engine drum & remove the locating pins in the rear where the meet the engine pod. In the wings you will need to also drill out for the passage of the wiring.

Preparing Cockpit Area:
The cockpit area will need to be taped off on both sides of the dash board, this will allow the lighting to pass through the part and light the dash board. I is also a good idea to black out the areas in the cockpit both upper & lower to avoid light leek & shine through.

Preparing Clear Replacement Engine Cowls:
The replacement clear parts for the deluxe kit will need some prep before install. Its best to use a small amount of liquid latex on the inside area & the back side of clear parts to maximize the lighting effect. After the latex has fully dried you can apply thin layers of paint to block any light from shinning through the cowl. Your now ready to pull the latex out of the inside & back of the cowl exposing the clear inside & back. Carefully hand paint the inside of the fan blades, you may need a few coats to properly cover the raised areas.

Pre Wiring The Engine & Install On Wing:
It is best to pre wire & pre pint the engine pods at this stage. Once you have all the pods wired you are ready to install & test the lighting one at a time. The best way is to loosely fit the wings together and run all the wiring forward into the main part of the fuselage, you will need to drill out some ports in the forward wing mount brace. Make sure to fallow the wiring diagram for reference, each led used in this lighting package will require a in line resistor for each led used. Its best to build in each resistor into the engine pod & make the runs for the finial hook up since you run out of room fast.

Wiring Diagram:
Here is how to wire the lighting for the model. Its best to have all the wiring & resistors to all self contained with in the model & run one set of positive & negative wires out the bottom of the hull & put your battery, on/off switch in a base box, this will need to be scratch built to your speck.

Finished & Tested Build Up: